10 comments on “Zen, Yoga, Gurdjieff- perspectives on inner work: Be the grass

  1. Pingback: Easter Idles « MarvinTheCat

  2. Anything physical is subject to time. As long as we are in physical bodies, while our higher centers may perceive time as an illusion, our bodies still remain subject to time. This time progresses by the pendulum of our breath. It begins with the first breath we take when we are born and ends with our last breath. The clocks marks time in a theoretical way; our breath marks time in an organic way.

    So although time is an illusion to higher centers, it is nevertheless our only opportunity, because we are not born with developed higher centers. We must use the duration between birth and death to develop higher centers to the point in which they can exist without our physical bodies.

    • Hello Mr. Landfair,
      This is Tom Langley. I shared this post by Mr. Lee on my blog quite a few years ago but do not personally know him. I made sure to credit him properly for this wonderful essay so if you encounter him, please thank him for it. Sorry I am not able to pass on your message to Red Hawk because he sounds like a very interesting gentleman. Please take care and stay safe at this critical time.

  3. Found this Gurdjieff jewel in one of Red Hawks books: It is absurd to pretend in my sleep that I wish to work,while all the time dreaming that I can.—-Jeanne de Salzmann

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